Equinox Online Help


Web Server

WebSetCookie Sets a cookie for a realm
WebSetHeader Sets a value for a header field
WebPostData Assigns the raw form post data to a variable
WebEncode Encodes strings for later use in a web page or URI
WebDecode Decodes strings for later use in a web page or URI
WebPrint Outputs a delimited list of string data to the current web page
WebSetResponse Changes the HTTP response code sent to the web server client
WebBaseDirectory Returns the current path to the www directory
WebCurrentPage Returns the relative path from the www directory of the current page
WebGetCookies Returns a string of cookies set
WebGetHeader Assigns a header value to a variable
WebOutput Prints output to a browser client
WebOutputFile Equivalent to calling FileReadFile followed by WebOutput
WebParameter Assigns the value passed by a browser to a variable
WebRedirect Redirects the current page to another page